the portfolio
by Roozbeh Azad
Video ad
Coach Loves Toronto (student thesis work)
Challenge: The Fashion House coach lacks diversity within their advertisement, regarding bringing products to local cities like Toronto.
Solution: I created a 40-second social media ad featuring a Torontonian named Veronica explaining how her coach bag compliments her style, aesthetics and personality.
Coach Loves Toronto Presentation (Click here)
The Economist TTC Ad ( passion project)
Challenge: The Economist, a world-renowned British magazine, has struggled to attract readers from the Millennial and Gen Z demographics.
Solution: To address this issue, I developed an ad campaign targeting social media platforms and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). Given that Millennials and Gen Z are more likely to use public transit compared to older demographics, and that many of them utilize this time to read the news, advertising on the TTC is an ideal strategy for promoting online news.
Package Design
Ecosmart packaging project (Student work)
Objective: My class was tasked with designing a package that could contain multiple items, such as lightbulbs, dishes, and tennis balls.
Solution: Before enrolling in the OCAD packaging course, I had no prior experience with package design. However, I was eager to embrace this new design challenge. I am pleased to report that I successfully designed a package for Ecosmart lightbulbs. The packaging is crafted from sturdy paper, features a window, and is designed to hold four lightbulbs.
Eco-smart presentation (Click here)
Graphic design
Nourish Happy Project (Student work )
Challenge: This student assignment required us to create an advertising campaign for a small brand based in Toronto. We chose Nourish Happy, a culinary studio that specializes in teaching cooking and selling fresh goods.
Solution: Through discussions with the business owner, we discovered that her brand's social media presence lacked visibility. As a group, we developed an effective ad campaign to enhance her brand’s exposure both online and during her events. My specific role in this project was to design a pamphlet aimed at increasing visibility at the events she caters.
Nourish Happy presentation (Click here)